
Good Sense® is the national brand that delivers everyday value. Products are available in easy to use flap-ties, handles and drawstring. A closure to fit your preferred method and budget. Good Sense® is recognized by consumers for its everyday quality and value.

A Bag Size for Every Job

Good Sense® bags come in sizes for both indoor and outdoor use. There are 8 gallon medium trash, 13 gallon tall kitchen, 30 gallon large trash, 33 gallon extra-large trash and 39 gallon lawn and leaf bag sizes available.

A Scent for Every Kitchen and Bath

Good Sense® offers a variety of scents and odor absorbing options to control trash odor. Fresh Lemon, Spring Blossom, Spring Meadow, Lavender and Fresh Scent as well as unscented bags are available.

Let us serve you

If you'd prefer to call us: +1 (877) 662-3779
Contact information for our global facilities can be found via our locations page.

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