
Importance To Berry Global and our Stakeholders

A diverse workforce unites people with varied perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences, sparking the development of innovative solutions, products, and approaches that are critical for our business to stay competitive and meet changing consumer demands. By working to create an environment where all members of our workforce feel included and treated fairly, regardless of their background, we help enhance employee morale, job satisfaction, loyalty, and overall productivity. 

Our Employee Experience strategy demonstrates our commitment to meeting evolving societal expectations with ethical leadership as businesses are increasingly evaluated for social responsibility.

Our Customers: By fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace, we can better connect with our diverse customer base and deliver innovative solutions to meet their unique needs. We believe that cultivating an environment that is inclusive of the broad range of cultures, backgrounds and experiences represented among our employees, customers and suppliers is integral to our business success.

Our Investors: Our commitment to inclusion for all makes us more adept at attracting top talent, fostering innovation, and adapting to changing market dynamics - factors that contribute to long-term growth and financial stability.

Our Approach

Berry is committed to advancing inclusion for all as part of the employee experience because it benefits our business while also being the right thing to do. When we cultivate a diverse, engaged, and cohesive team where all feel welcome and respected, we innovate, operate, and perform better in service of our customers, shareholders, and communities. People are at the heart of everything we do. We are dedicated to building a workforce that reflects the rich diversity of our global community. Our approach goes beyond simply hiring talent—we actively cultivate an inclusive environment that values different perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences. By embracing our employees’, customers’, and suppliers’ unique contributions, we create a dynamic, innovative workplace that drives our collective success. 

Berry actively engages with local organizations dedicated to advancing inclusion for all. By forming meaningful collaborations, we extend our impact beyond our corporate walls and contribute to broader social progress. We are embedding inclusion into every aspect of our business—from our hiring practices to our operational processes. This holistic approach ensures we maintain our competitive edge as a global leader committed to embracing human potential.

In 2024, we strengthened our Employee Experience initiatives through multiple channels. Our engagement survey now includes nine new Employee Experience-focused questions to help identify key cultural priorities. We also partnered with an external Employee Experience consultant who conducted senior leadership interviews, providing valuable insights to guide our strategy. Additionally, we expanded our training program to include Employee Experience components around a culture of inclusion for all: A dedicated module in our annual compliance training and unconscious bias training in our Leadership Development Program.

Highlights and Target Progress

Target 2024 Progress
Increase the percentage of women in salaried roles to at least 40% by 2027
The percentage of women in salaried roles was 37.4% in 2024. We expect to achieve our goal before 2027.
Increase the percentage of people of color in U.S. based salaried roles to at least 18% by 2027
People of color made up 17.1% of U.S.-based salaried roles in 2024. We expect to achieve our 18% goal to the 2027 target year.

Key Metrics

The below metrics are based on Berry's fiscal years unless otherwise noted.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Workforce Demographic Overall Workforce Data
Male Female Total Employees
Total Company Full-Time Employees 28,968 11,254 40,224
Part-Time Employees 682 817 1,499
Temporary Employees No Data No Data 3,451
North America Full-Time Employees 14,113 5,806 19,919
Part-Time Employees 259 247 506
Temporary Employees No Data No Data 560
South America Full-Time Employees 902 126 1,028
Part-Time Employees 22 28 50
Temporary Employees No Data No Data 31
EMEIA Full-Time Employees 11,526 3,934 15,462
Part-Time Employees 399 541 940
Temporary Employees No Data No Data 1,976
Asia Full-Time Employees 2,427 1,388 3,815
Part-Time Employees 2 1 1
Temporary Employees No Data No Data 884
Leadership Breakdowns Number and Percentage by Gender, Racial Diversity, and Age
Board of Directors   Executive Leadership Team
(SVP, EVPs and above)
Number Percentage   Number Percentage
Total 11 100%   59 100%
Gender Male 8 73%   52 88%
Female 3 27%   7 12%
Racial Diversity: Underrepresented Minorities Total 2 18%   7 12%
Male 0 0%   22 37%
Female 2 18%   3 5%
Age Under 30 0 0%   0 0%
30 - 50  0  0%   15 25%
Over 50 11  100%    44 75%
  2022 2023 2024
Workforce Breakdown (Gender) Employee Categories by Gender
Male Female Male Female Male Female
Berry Total
All Employees 32,690 13,525 32,491 12,451 29,650 12,017
70.70% 29.30% 70.90% 29.10% 71.10% 28.90%
Salaried Employees 6,552 3,931 6,203 3,674 6,013 3,596
62.50% 37.50% 62.80% 37.20% 62.60% 37.40%
Employees at Management Level and Above 1,671 589 1,853 678 1,614 580
73.90% 26.10% 73.20% 26.80% 73.60% 26.40%
Vice President and above No Data No Data 131 24 136 25
- - 0.845 0.155 84.50% 15.50%
Consumer Packaging International (CPI) Division All Employees No Data No Data 12,358 6,061 11,698 5,661
- - 67.10% 32.90% 67.40% 32.60%
Salaried Employees 2,879 1,811 2,784 1,718 2,640 1,640
61.40% 36.60% 61.80% 38.20% 61.70% 38.30%
Management Level and Above No Data No Data 380 139 215 48
- - 73.20% 26.80% 81.70% 18.30%
Vice President and above No Data No Data 22 4 25 6
- - 84.60% 15.40% 80.60 19.40%
Consumer Packaging North America (CPNA) Division All Employees No Data No Data 6,675 3,264 6,842 3,210
- - 67.20% 32.80% 68.00% 32.00%
Salaried Employees 940 557 866 517 882 538
62.00% 38.00% 62.60% 37.40% 62.10% 37.90%
Employees at Management Level and Above No Data No Data 406 150 407 169
- - 73.00% 27.00% 70.70% 29.30%
Vice President and above No Data No Data 23 4 23 3
- - 85.20% 14.80% 88.50% 11.50%
Flexibles Division All Employees No Data No Data 5,143 1,446 5,615 1,622
- - 78.10% 21.90% 77.60% 22.40%
Salaried Employees 1,029 659 960 619 1,077 677
61.00% 39.00% 60.80% 39.20% 61.40% 38.60%
Employees at Management Level and Above No Data No Data 449 159 495 173
- - 73.80% 26.20% 74.10% 25.90%
Vice President and above No Data No Data 26 5 30 6
- - 83.90% 16.10% 83.30% 16.70%
Health, Hygiene & Specialties (HHS) Division All Employees No Data No Data 5,784 1,492 4,974 1,298
- - 79.50% 20.50% 79.30% 20.70%
Salaried Employees 1,210 613 1,125 557 942 480
66.40% 33.60% 66.90% 33.10% 66.20% 33.80%
Employees at Management Level and Above No Data No Data 396 153 328 130
- - 72.10% 27.90% 71.60% 28.40%
Vice President and above No Data No Data 21 4 20 5
- - 84.00% 16.00% 80.00% 20.00%
Corporate All Employees No Data No Data 531 278 539 280
- - 65.60% 34.40% 65.80% 34.20%
Salaried Employees 494 273 468 263 472 261
64.40% 35.60% 64.00% 36.00% 64.40% 35.60%
Employees at Management Level and Above No Data No Data 222 77 169 60
- - 74.20% 25.80% 73.80%% 26.20%
Vice President and above No Data No Data 39 7 38 5
- - 84.80% 15.20% 88.40% 11.60%
Workforce Breakdown (Age) Employee Categories by Age
Under 30 30 to 50 Over 50
Berry Total All Employees 6,589 21,677 13,457
15.80% 52.00% 32.30%
Salaried Employees 988 5,196 3,425
10.30% 54.10% 35.60%
Employees at Management Level and Above 69 1,128 997
3.10% 51.40% 45.40%
Vice President and above 0 67 94
0.0% 41.60% 54.40%
Consumer Packaging International (CPI) Division All Employees 2,586 9,370 5,405
14.90% 54.00% 31.10%
Salaried Employees 520 2,360 1,400
12.10% 55.10% 32.70%
Employees at Management Level and Above 8 121 134
3.00% 46.00% 51.00%
Vice President and above 0 13 18
0.00% 41.90% 58.10%
Consumer Packaging North America (CPNA) Division All Employees 1,868 4,769 3,397
18.60% 47.50% 33.90%
Salaried Employees 125 713 582
8.80% 50.20% 41.00%
Employees at Management Level and Above 22 289 265
3.80% 50.20% 46.00%
Vice President and above 0 12 14
0.0% 46.20% 53.80%
Flexibles (FLEX) Division All Employees 1,054 3,519 2,664
14.60% 48.60% 36.80%
Salaried Employees 131 855 768
7.50% 48.70% 43.80%
Employees at Management Level and Above 20 318 330
3.00% 47.60% 49.40%
Vice President and above 0 12 24
0.0% 33.30% 66.70%
Health, Hygiene & Specialties (HHS) Division All Employees 955 3,623 1,694
15.2% 57.80% 27.00%
Salaried Employees 126 894 402
8.90% 62.90% 28.30%
Employees at Management Level and Above 16 277 165
3.50% 60.50% 36.00%
Vice President and above 0 9 16
0.0% 36.00% 64.00%
Corporate All Employees 126 396 297
15.40% 48.40% 36.30%
Salaried Employees 86 374 273
11.70% 51.00% 37.20%
Employees at Management Level and Above 3 123 103
1.30% 53.70% 45.00%
Vice President and above 0 21 22
0.00% 48.80% 51.20%
  2022 2023   2024
US Workforce Breakdown (Ethnicity) Additional Workforce Breakdowns (U.S. Employees only)
Total Salaried Employees Total Salaried Employees Total Salaried Employees Total Employees Management Level and Above Vice Presidents and Above
Total U.S. Employees 3,918 3,669 3,633 18,396 1,493 106
White Number of Employees 3,262 3,011 3,013 11,161 1,260 94
Percentage 83.30% 82.10% 82.90% 60.70% 86.40% 88.70%
Total Underrepresented Minorities Number of Employees 656 658 620 7,235 203 12
Percentage 16.70% 17.90% 17.10% 39.30% 39.60% 11.30%
American Indian/Alaska Native Number of Employees No Data 22 23 193 7 1
Percentage - 0.60% 0.60% 1.00% 0.50% 0.90%
Asian Number of Employees No Data 86 86 618 37 4
Percentage - 2.30% 2.40% 3.40% 2.50% 3.80%
Black or African American Number of Employees No Data 211 208 3.580 47 2
Percentage - 5.80% 5.70% 19.50% 3.10% 1.90%
Hispanic or Latino Number of Employees No Data 245 240 2,407 82 3
Percentage - 6.70% 6.60% 13.10% 5.50% 2.80%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Number of Employees No Data 2 4 62 2 0
Percentage - 0.10% 0.10% 0.30% 0.10% 0.00%
Two or More Races Number of Employees No Data 58 59 374 28 2
Percentage - 1.60% 1.60% 2.00% 1.90% 1.90%
Other Number of Employees No Data 34 0 1 0 0
Percentage - 0.90% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
US Workforce Breakdown (Ethnicity and Gender) Workforce by Gender and Ethnicity
Total Employees Male Employees Female Employees
Total U.S. Employees 18,396 13,021 5,375
White Number of Employees 11,161 8,155 3,006
Percentage 60.70% 62.60% 55.90%
Total Underrepresented Minorities Number of Employees 7,235 4,866 2,369
Percentage 39.30% 37.40% 44.10%
American Indian/Alaska Native Number of Employees 193 139 54
Percentage 1.00% 1.10% 1.00%
Asian Number of Employees 618 358 260
Percentage 3.40% 2.70% 4.80%
Black or African American Number of Employees 3,580 2,506 1,074
Percentage 19.50% 19.20% 20.00%
Hispanic or Latino Number of Employees 2,407 1,547 860
Percentage 13.10% 11.90% 16.00%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Number of Employees 62 50 12
Percentage 0.30% 0.40% 0.20%
Two or More Races Number of Employees 374 265 109
Percentage 2.00% 2.00% 2.00%
Other Number of Employees 1 1 0
Percentage 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
  2022 2023 2024
US Workforce Breakdown (Disability) Workforce by Gender and Ethnicity
Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage
Employees self-identifying with Disabilities (US Employees only) 338 1.70% 304 1.60% 349 1.90%

Key Strategies

We believe that our employees are integral to achieving more together for customers and our communities. We attribute a significant part of our success as a company to our ability to recruit, hire, retain, and develop a positive and productive workforce. We are committed to creating a workplace where ideas, energy, teamwork, and dedication fuel our success and where all employees can thrive and meet their potential.

In 2024, we launched our I Can B Me at Berry strategic initiative, spearheaded by our global leader of Employee Experience, which strives to foster a people-first culture that is inclusive of a broad range of cultures, backgrounds, and experiences represented among its employees, customers, and suppliers. We are continuously learning and making progress on creating a welcoming environment with a culture of inclusion for all. This not only increases the critical business need to retain talent but is also critical in our recruiting and staffing strategy. Bringing together individuals contributing as their authentic selves at #OneBerry, ultimately fulfilling our customer promise.

CEO Action for Diversity - Employees in discussionsOur strategy is supported by two inclusion goals we set in 2021 as part of our commitment to embedding equity into our business practices – to increase the percentage of women in salaried roles to at least 40% by 2027, and to increase the percentage of people of color in U.S. based salaried roles to at least 18% over the same timeframe. As of 2024, the percentage of people of color in U.S. based salaried roles decreased from 17.1% in 2023 to 16.7%. Additionally, we have increased the percentage of salaried roles are held by women from 37.2% to 37.4% from 2023 to 2024.

We are committed to advancing our Employee Experience efforts by building a sustainable strategy that focuses on driving impact across four main pillars – People, Culture, Marketplace, and Community.

People | Develop a talented and diverse workforce

We aspire to build and maintain a high-performing, talented, and diverse workforce at all levels within Berry that is reflective of our communities.

Culture | Build an inclusive and equitable culture

We are cultivating an inclusive and equitable workplace culture in which employees thrive and are supported to reach their fullest career ambitions.

Community | Advance DE&I through partnerships

We are advancing equity in our local communities by building meaningful partnerships with groups and organizations focused on inclusion.

Marketplace | Imbed inclusion in our business

We have a responsibility to integrate inclusion throughout our business processes and relationships in order to maintain a competitive advantage as a global leader.

CEO Action for Diversity

Action for Diversity - Employees in DiscussionsWe are proud to be a signatory of CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion™. This is the largest CEO driven business commitment to advance diversity and inclusion within the workplace. As part of this commitment, we pledge to cultivate a workplace where diverse perspectives and experiences are welcomed and respected, and where employees feel comfortable and encouraged to discuss diversity and inclusion.



Employee Resource Groups

I Can Be Me at Berry

The ‘I Can B Me’ culture-based initiative aims to cultivate a workplace environment where every Berry employee feels valued, respected, and empowered to bring their authentic selves to work. Our aspiration is to foster a culture of acceptance and belonging that brings out the best in all our people. ‘I Can B Me’ is deployed across the organization through our Business Resource Groups and Inclusion Ambassadors, employees leading the charge for inclusion at our manufacturing facilities.

Berry's Business Resource Groups

In 2024, we relaunched our Employee Resource Groups as Business Resource Groups. These are voluntary, employee-driven groups that advance Berry’s shared purpose, values, and our promise to employees, provide a sense of community and connection, create opportunities for professional development, and welcome all employees across the organization. They also have measurable performance metrics that have a direct impact and value for the business, and have been empowered to be able to deploy the ‘I Can B Me’ culture across our organization.

Supplier Diversity

Berry is committed to supporting economic development efforts with diverse suppliers to the extent that jobs may be provided, entrepreneurship may be advanced, and useful goods and services may be produced at competitive prices. We expect our suppliers to adhere to similar principles and support and develop supplier diversity programs within their organizations.


Contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

SDG 5: Gender Equality DG 5: Gender Equality

We value diversity, equality, and inclusion, and strive to achieve gender equality by creating equal opportunities for all, regardless of gender. We are also committed to challenging harmful gender norms within our industry by encouraging more women to pursue careers in the manufacturing and engineering industries.

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic GrowthSDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

We strive to embed equality across all our operations and create a supportive work environment where every employee can access decent work opportunities irrespective of their background.

SDG Icon10 - Reduced InequalitiesSDG 10: Reduced Inequality 

By actively addressing biases, promoting fair treatment, and providing equal opportunities for underrepresented groups, we help reduce inequalities within our organizational sphere and industry. 

SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

The elimination of equality is only possible through collaborations with various stakeholders, including non-governmental organizations, communities, and governmental bodies. Partnerships strengthen our internal commitment to diversity and enable us to apply DE&I principles to our wider business dealings.

GRI and SASB Alignment

GRI 405(3-3) Diversity and Equal Opportunity
GRI 405-1 Diversity of Governance Bodies and Employees

Last updated: March 17, 2025